Energy Sector Consolidations Impact Houston Office Market!

Energy Sector Consolidations Impact Houston Office Market!

Energy Sector Consolidations Impact Houston Office Market!By: Bill Rapp - Commercial & Residential Mortgage Broker
Published on: 01/07/2024

The recent Supreme Court decision to overturn the decades-old precedent allowing federal agencies to interpret vague laws marks a significant shift in regulatory power. This ruling opens the door for businesses to more easily challenge regulations they find unfavorable.

Bill Rapp, Commercial Mortgage Broker
Houston Faces Office Space Surplus Amid Energy M&A Boom!

Houston Faces Office Space Surplus Amid Energy M&A Boom!

Houston Faces Office Space Surplus Amid Energy M&A Boom!By: Bill Rapp - Commercial & Residential Mortgage Broker
Published on: 28/06/2024

Last year saw a staggering $207 billion in oil and gas company consolidations, the highest since 2012. This year, an additional $55 billion in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have already taken place, according to JLL data. This trend is poised to temporarily reduce the office demand in Houston, a market that recorded a 25.8% vacancy rate in the first quarter.

Bill Rapp, Commercial Mortgage Broker
Midtown Redevelopment Authority Corruption: $8.5M Misused

Midtown Redevelopment Authority Corruption: $8.5M Misused

Midtown Redevelopment Authority Corruption: $8.5M MisusedBy: Bill Rapp - Commercial & Residential Mortgage Broker
Published on: 24/06/2024

On October 31, 2023, construction was underway on a previously-owned Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) lot in Houston’s Third Ward. This area has been at the center of controversy following the recent arrests of a former MRA staffer and two contractors on charges of public corruption.

Bill Rapp, Commercial Mortgage Broker
Arbor Realty Forecloses on Another Houston Multifamily Property!

Arbor Realty Forecloses on Another Houston Multifamily Property!

Published on: 20/06/2024

Arbor Realty, a prominent New York-based lender, is foreclosing on yet another multifamily property in Houston. This time, the focus is on Northbrooke Apartments, located at 17111 Hafer Road. This significant move follows a default by Northbrooke SPE on a $32.5 million loan issued in February 2022. Harris County records indicate that Northbrooke SPE, associated with Mudra Investments and managed by Raxit and Rahul Patel, failed to meet its loan obligations, which amounted to $135,400 per unit.

Bill Rapp, Commercial Mortgage Broker